At The Well of New Beginnings Ministries, Inc, we take care to provide our covenant partners and those seeking the better water that Jesus offered the woman at the well, quality services personalized for their unique needs. Our staff members are professional, courteous and efficient.
We offer a variety of services which including (and more to soon come):

GAP: Prayer Warriors (Intercessors)
“Pray without ceasing” is what we are commanded to do. Therefore, God has anointed some of us to stand in the gap for others. Prayer warriors are called to not only stand in the gap to pray, but they are also to listen to the voice of God has how to and what to pray. Prayer warriors come together to sharpen their gift and ministry of prayer about the season and timing of God for His people. These opportunities of gathering include such activities as: training sessions, prayer walks, and prayer breakfasts just to name a few.

Or if you just desire to pray, we invite you to come stand on the wall with us on Monday evenings at 7:30 (est). Dial 209-647-1600 Access Code 559440#.

Weekly Bible Study

….come taste and see that the Lord is good; let us exalt His name together. Bible Study at The Well is a time of refreshing, restoration and rejuvenation to those who wish a more intimate relationship with our heavenly Father. It is also a time for sharing and encouraging one another in the things of God for building the kingdom of God.

We meet every Thursday evening at 7 p.m. EST to eat the manna, and drink of the wine which is the “word” of God. Join us on our conference line at 209-647-1600; access code 559440.

Sister to Sister…
There are time in our day that we need a sounding board and/or a shoulder to cry on, but there seen to be no one to which we can turn. Then there are the times when you feel that no one has ever gone through the situations and events that have cause you to want to run and hide. Yet the word says “there is nothing new under the sun,” and you are not alone. Sister to Sister is various monthly or weekly support group (connected to Women Extraodinaire) that meets at “The Well” to share and walk through life’s journey with each other to the glory of God in deliverance and inner healing.

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